Good to hear your opinion and if you look even more around you will find this
It is a masterpiece of engineering =)), I suggest you watch Kevlin Henney talk about it
But to answer your question
“ what actually is that thing”
I do realize this always will put people into two groups when I speak about ifs
No — it is over engineered
Yes — this makes sense
And that is fine, Common Sense isn’t canceled. And when you design your solution that has to be kept in mind and not to over-engineer it.
I just can’t agree on this
— if
— — if
— — — if
— —
this just shows code have clear problems with separations of concerns and upkeep the Christmas tree will cost you a lot of headaches as that tree just tends to grow and grow and creep inside other methods, sub-methods and suddenly you are landed in one big bowl of mud.
Command dispatcher patter isn’t a silver bullet, it is just one way of making your daily life better.
If you are really interested in this topic, here is good youtube video about ifs